Friday, November 30, 2007
Dear diary,
Okay yesterday was super fun.I like it(:.
Okay focus on that girl only not my brother okay.Hahaha i just want to say happy birthday on the 29th of november which is yesterday.Hope all your wishes come true and last long with my brother,Hafiz.Gees she's now sweet seventeen larrs seY.SAYA CINTA KAMU.Heehee.Guess who did all the cooking?
My Mr man.My brother ofcouse.Before the arrival of Kak Mus, this things happen.
"firstly it was dad, fixing the light bulb."
"mummy scold brother for being irritating,goooooooood!."
"mummy cut the prawns to half."And lastly brother did all the cooking and stuff.GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!.HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.The picture of the cake haven't be uplaod because of the lazyness of my brother.Later later.Hahaha.Nevermind it will be uplaod soon enough.And yeah Kak Musfirah, I love you okay.
Okay all about yesterday okay.We celebrate her birthday at our house.And all goes well.Okay toodles~
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Dear diary,
Okay okay, i hope ZUL read my blog uhs.Hahaha bestiest, sorry never call you this previous day.Upset with everything. Ouuhh ya. I want to say something in this blog. I know your gonna read it.Dear Zulqarnaen,Okay get over it aites dude.Zulqarnaen,
Hope on the 30th when you went off.
Do take cares.
Malaysia is a really man-eaters place.
Money theif.
Im worried about your safety,
because your my bestiest and forever will it be.
I care okay.
Your the one who make me laugh, cheer me up
and even tell me that im preettyy eventhought im not.
Im going to miss you okays.
I'll pray for your safety and please come back in one piece.
I mean not only your leg or hand okay.
Your hold body.
Go safely come back safely.
Remember i care.
Okay im done hahaha.
Eh if finish reading my not soo beatiful blog rights Mr Zul,
Dear diary,
ARRRRRRRRR! Im the biggest fan of 'Bless the Fall'. Biggest beb!.I like their style.. Cool...Totally.How i wish they would come to singapore one day, im sure i am the one to buy their tickets first. Wow me.hahaha. Okay i just can't get my eyes off them. They are super hot SUPER cool. In other words Handsome(:.Gees talking about this band i really miss my springfielders.Ouuhhs expeacially my gfs and bestiest okay.The boys and The girls.The teachers and The stuffs.Not the DM and the OM for sure.Hahaha hate that OM really.God, how can a school be okay if always he's the one noisy.Hmmm. What a jerk head.okay i miss,Amirah
The ex 2-b's
The ex 2-a's
The ex 2-d's
The ex 2-e's
The ex 2-f's.
The sec 3's.
I like disturbing them expeacially Effa and Aisha.
The gorgeous.
Smile Smile all the way.
I adore they both alot larrs seY.
When they smile its superr SWEET.
And about my dearest godsister 'Aisha,
ignores the haters aites.
okay end of blogging.
Cheecky cheecky yaya tata((:
Monday, November 26, 2007
Dear diary,
Yeah this december get ready to brust with action.
Having our family reunion. I thought of making this because to make my family more closer.
okay can't wait for dec.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Dear diary,
Earthlings and citizens of singapore. I Hafizah would like to say, "Im fucking piss off with everything!". Got it?.Know what my motive is saying this?.Because i felt like im a use doll, A FUCKING DOLL!.I don't know how to express my feelings.Its like totally mix up. So mix up. Where there's sad and angry.Even nobody can make me happy.Yes, i laugh but im not happy.What's the point if im here but nobody cares right?I feel like i just haish....................Can't stand with life seriously.Feel like killing myself like that.I just want the truth......toodles~
Friday, November 23, 2007
Dear diary,
Congratz to my GODSISTER, 'Aisha.For her psle results.She got 238 points.goooooooooooooooooooood!keep up the good work aites you.toodles.
Dear diary,
Today went out larr seY. Went out with my mom and brother. First i and my brother went to the library to borrow books, then headed at the mrt station where mom was waiting for us. Went to simei to have our luch there. Huhu the banquet so nice seY. Fight over food with brother,hahaha. We first ate 'yong tau fo' then we ate carrot cake. We share okay not eat one by one like that. Hahaha.Than went to bank do this do that, waited for my brother's girlfriend to arrived at the simei mrt platform.Then we when to the tampiness mall cinema at first,guess what? We want to watch 'Beowulf' but its nc16. Phew, got cought for ic.Okay that part we all was like saying vulgarities, even my mom(:. Hahaha then we go to the century square, our luck. We get through. Hahaha my brother girlfriend lend me her 'ite' clothes to! perfectly fit seY. Wahliou her body is like me, thin.Hahaha after watch that movie, my brother sent her gilfriend home as me and my mom waited for dad to fetch home.Piss off with dad!.PAHAM TKK!.Haiyaaaaaa. Worst day larrs. Everytime with dad he makes me mad.Hahahanever mind larrs.okay got to go.toodles~MUACKX
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Dear diary,
Nobody knows how to appreciate my love.
Im saying this and isn't it true.
Look i really love my boiifriend.
Trust him everything he told me.
Am i not good enough for him?
Each pieces of my heart break.
I feel like im totally a loser and a useless girl in this earth.
Can't get through the phone call.
Im worried.
Why won't anyone notice im here?
I miss him with every pieces of my heart.
Does i need to knock on his door,
and say " What's wrong dear?".
I've been trying to be as good as i can.
Im just writting this to make my heart feel better.
But i guess,
im not okay.
I just can't get this sorrow feeling out of my heart.
Everytime i cried even today.
Early in the morning cried.
But i guess no point crying right?
I just want my Fadli to know that i really love him.
Nobody can replace him in future.
I swear that my heart is only for him.
I'll let my life suffer just to be with him.
Only Fadli.
I felt this feeling like this for the second time.
And i know the person know who he is.
And now im here declare that i really love Fadli with the fullest of my heart.
And that's true.
Never lied with my own feeling.
Its easy to like or love people.
But when you get what you want,
its hard to let him go.
I won't never let him go.
Why won't anyone know how i feel now?
Im crying trying to find a way to get through Fadli.
I just can't live without him.
I just can't.
I need him.
Only him.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Dear diary,
And now im sorry for my friend who always told me not to be bestiest with hakim.I should listen to you guys.And now its the other way round, his twins is my bestiest.I declare that hakim is my bestiest but never exist.So now, let him make his choice(:.But overall im happy, thanks to his brother i notice how cruel hakim can be.And im really sorry you guys.Azilah,Rozanna,Irah and Zul.Now noone will definetely make me cry.((:Toodles~
Dear diary,
Not satisfy with everything.
Can't go out for like 1 week.
And its damn boring, so boring.
Thinking what will happen if i lose Fadli.
Everybody thinks its okay.
But for me,
And if anyone want to snatch Fadli away from me,
face to face okay.
Want to take my boiifriend must have the guts to see my face.
And if you say that Fadli is yours,
i'll just say this right to your bloody face.
"Hey bitch, get your fucking life aites! Don't always snatch people Boiifriend!".
And if you want to play rough count me IN!.
And i just told this for a reason.
Because of one bitch i kept on feeling this way okay.
Scared if Fadli leaves me.
Who am i suppose to hold on to?
Someone grandmother iszit?
Okay i really just don't know what to say.
If that someone wants fadli soo badly.
Face to face with me aites BICTH.
Just tell me the place,time and date.
And i'll be there.
Settle it once and for all.
I'll tell you how hard you try to steal him, i'll really stand up to hold on to this relationship.
I don't care what will happen to me.
I'll just stand up for my relationship.
And thats is more important than anything.
"love is never to be force."
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Dear diary,
Swear today was a really great day.
But end up, tears just roll down my cheecks.
Firstly im happy like a girl with a cheerful life.
Waited for mummy at the 'KFC' to treat her a meal.
When to buy my hair dyed and cardigon.
God,that cardigon is really costly.
Did brought a black one.
When home around 4 plus PM.
Reach home straight away online.
Chatting as usual.
And im totally glad that Hakim and me is now okay.
Not even fighting.
Bestiest we will be and thats forever.
God, tears started to roll down on 7.20PM.
Started to look at friendster and saw this thing which i shouldn't.
God im not jealous okays!
Im just scared to lose a real loveble Boiifriend.
His like everything for me.
And now i just can't stop crying.
Thought of running away, but it won't help a broken heart.
I know they are just bestfriends.
And yes i don't mind.
Im just super scared.
Scared of losing him.
How i wish one day i would just die.
But it won't be that way.
God hate people who want to die.
So i just need to bare with everything in this world.
And you guys,
can you give me the courage to live?.
I just want happiness and that's it.
Okay i just can't stop crying now.
I used about one packet of tissue.
"God, please tell Fadli to be with me everytime loving me and don't ever let me go".
And i always pray for the safety of Fadli.
I just can't bare to lose him.
I can't.
Even a moment.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Dear diary,
Okay hellos there earthlings and aliens, today was not my day. Backbone hurt like fucking hell. Didn't eat my bone medicine. What for if it still feel the same, gees i know its for my own good but whatever larrs. Not eating it!. Luckly didn't have high fever, that's really really lucky. Mummy nag about my backbone, food and everything i do she will nag. Gees, what a day. But still i ate my lunch what? She say to me to eat more. God, she is really really making me piss off today. Hmm okay did listen to her and eat. Sit at the dinning table and eat as fast as i could because my backbone hurts okay. Can't even walk actually but i did force myself.Okay sit infront of this computer i also need support.Need to put a pillow behind my back. FUCK!!Pain you know. Argh! really can't do nothing but to rest.Rest,rest and rest.Luckly tomorrow can get out of this house and go shopping with mum and my brother.(if he does not even go out with his friends tomorrow.)Yeah can't wait to go out.Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.Okay now im satisfied. Tomorrow im going out.And im really going to miss my Fadli.Even if i say i miss him it won't work. God only knows the best about us and our feelings.If only god could show him how worried i am."i miss you like a kid misses the rain."Okay now back to me, myself and i.Don't ask why okay im being soo like soo emo-ish.As i myself don't even know.I just want this things:.Love.Care.Understanding.New handphone.Lollipops.Chocolate.New cardigon.(make sure it must be black.)Ouuhhs how i wish i could have this in 2 weeks time.But to bad, handphone will be arriving next month so have to wait. No choice.Hahahahas.Till here then earthlings and aliens.toodles~
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Dear diary,
I don't know why i felt like this. This past two days im being so, i don't know. Like its not me. Have no appetiate to eat. No mood to laugh.It just become worst and worst. Hate when this happen. Many things i have been wondering. Don't ask why. I used to be happy when it's holidays. How i wish i can get out of this world and find peace. Everything does not seem well to me this past two days.How i wish i could just say to everyone that i want peace!.Let the world have no more wars, no fighting nor problems.Haven't eaten mum's cooking for one day. Literally does not talk much to dad.Talk to my brother only. And that is totally sucks. Said to mummy that, saturday i will treat her to 'KFC' to eat the new 'Melts'. Okays she agree, and that was like so great. Hope mummy could gain trust with dad again. How i wish they could trust each other and how i wish they would be happy again. Use to love them when they are happy with each other. But now, hate dad. He was the one who love create problems in this family. Family become upside down when dad start to show his attitude in this family. Pity mum and brother for this.What ever happens to this family, i'll stand by mummy.Don't you worried mummy, if we are going to fell apart i'll be right there to save you from falling. I promise. I'll make sure that brother and me will have satisfy mother love before we're dead.Okay i feel better.toodles~earthlings.
Dear diary,
Today was an okay okay okay okay okay day.Everything is like usual. Im being crazy, sick and a dumpass.Today cut frindge, hahahahas. Short like last time.Need to wait until it grow. Hahahahas freaky lame.Me and my brother JIWE.Hahahahas both short frindge.So what if my frindge is so like damn short?Who cares. You give me comment or insult me it does not even hurt me abit.Its my hair, it still will grow back like usual what.STUPID!.Like i say, i'll keep moving on alrights.
And totally can't wait about tomorrow.And Fadli bucuk.Be brave alrights, i'll always be by your side.No worries.toodles~earthlings and aliens.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Dear diary,
Today was like a normal day i can get.
Woke up around 12.30PM.
Yesterday had a long talk with Fadli.
Slept at 3.15AM that's why i overslept.
Woke up at first my body was aching.
Went to toilet like i use to do everyday.
At 3PM took the house phone to call Fadli.
But could not reach.
Call his hp instead.
Didn't respone.
Gave him a message.
Hopefully his not late for work.
If he was late, it would totally be my fault.
So hunney blame on me.
Guess what i rest at my mum's bedroom.
Beside my mum somemore.
About 2 hours.
I felt like today was really not my day.
I could not help mum to do house chores as my body ache.
I did not eat much but i had to finish up my dinner.
I feel like i could not even eat something.
I don't know what happen to me.
I just hate it when i cried cried cried.
Like a stupid dumpass fool.
Cry for no reason.
Okay now i'm still not okay.
Don't understand myself today.
Okay earthling and aliens.
i got to go no mood to blog actually.
Take care.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Dear diary,
Today was a very interesting day out.Fun fun!!Went out with Fadli. My hunney bunney.Hahahahas.First stop was his block.Waited about an hour huhuhu(:.But it changed the fun when there was alot of matrep on that particular block.My hands was shaking, and i was so damn scared.Lucky Irah could call me for 30 minits.I meet him below his block and guess what? Im so Happy.He wore my ring.Sweet you know, on his finger.Hahahahas.Next stop was 'KFC'.Eat eat eat.That's me.((:Hungry strike me when Fadli was totally scared about today's plan.Super scared he was.The plan was, meeting my parents.Ouuh god, they really want to know Fadli.I was half scared that time.But ignore the situation as the food arrived.Ape lagi, makan uhs!(:.Eat eat eat eat.YummY(:.Then after eating decided to go back home.Haiyaaaaaaaaaaa.When this part come i was really very..Very...Pissed off.Hahahahs.Took 293 to go back home.Fadli was sitting beside me.Hmmm.Didn't talk.Both of us was super scared.Tell me, who would not be scared if you want to meet the mak bapak mertua. If me i would cry.Hahahahs.Before going to my house i ask him to take photo first as to realive my strees.Sit at the next block.I took out my hp and start to ask him to take pictures.Firstly he refuse as i just sit there and say,"Tak tau arh tak tau."Hahahahahs.Belive me with my UGLY face.I said that.Huhuhu.Firstly he told me that it would be my parents decision to like him or not.Cannot be force.Hell yeah that's true larrs hunney.But what if i really love you then how?.Fadli told me to listen to my parents, so that i was not rude to them.My heart started to fell apart when he say, "If mak bapak fii tk uke li mcm mane?".I sat there quietly beside him as i hold his hand tightly and started to cry."Da larrs fii nk nagis uhs", i told him.He say don't cry larrs.Hmmmmmmm i just can't imagine if i have to lose him.Fuck everything!.I love him, really alots and alots.You guys imagine if you were in my situation how would you feel?.Don't ever lie to me and say your happy with it.That's crap talk okays!.As i call my mommy and said Fadli want to come.What?! She doesn't have to scold me right.Argh!!!!Okays that when i start to bang my handphone.Started to call my father.Didn't respone at first. I was like "APE NIEEEE!".Luckly father call back, ask what i want.(If don't like i call then don't need to shout at the phone okay father!(: ).I ask him what time is he coming home.He said 8.30PM why?.I was like oh mati uhs, Fadli have to be back home before 9.30PM.Then i say its okay larrs.He ask me why as i say no Fadli wanted to come to our house.Then father say friday okay.I was like "OKAY SET UHS,PETANG OKIES!!".Put down that nokia irritating phone and ask Fadli whether he can make it on friday afternoon or not as he say,"Can later i wear smart smart". Because he must go to what occasion larrs.Hahaha it's like the prom night thingy.I hugg him and gave him alot of kisses.Woohuu damn happy.I was like a kid attitude, you know like monkey.Hahahahahahahs.He sent me home.And i gave him more kisses and he gave me back to.Gees.Walk to the front door,open the door.Put away my slipper.And Fadli sorry, i had abit argrument with mummy.After telling that Fadli was coming on friday.She say,"arh friday papa ade ape,blh larrs".She give me a reason why not today.She told me later she cannot entertain him as she was sick.Okays i admit i was wrong.Sorry mummy.Then change clothes,start blogging and one more freaky thing make me damn angry.My photobucket could not upload pics.I was like scolding the website and say this,"BABI BABI BABI PALAH BUTO SIAL CIBBAI."Ouuhh god, how long can that vulgarities go..Hahahahas.Damn fed-up.People start to ask why i scold bad words.As i told them about that stupid website.They say to cool down later the website will be okays.Hahahahs. Okays im cool down now.Hahahahas.A bit thanks to my msn friends, adik 'aisha, Star and irah.If they wasn't there i say i would have bash this computer up.Hahahahaas.Thanks okays you guys.Soo now going to check on that mother fucking website now.Sooo toodles~earthlings and aliens.Lots of love,Hafizah.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Dear diary,
Yestaer night i couldn't get enough sleep and rest.Until i woke up this morning, my eyes was swollen and i had a fever.How bad life could be today.Woke up around 11 am. Gees i overslept.Hahahahaas.My mummy had a very bad sore throat and i have a fever.Hahahahas.She ate porridge, while i eat this.Really you guys wanna know what i eat.Okies then.
Hahahahas.Ouww.That's the only food i had that afternoon.Hahahahas.Then hungry just eat larrs.Thats the main thing to do.Ignore the food looks.This is how i looks while eating.
Thanks mummy for taking this picture(:.After lunch,stared at the computer, msn-ing and blogging.Ofcourse i had showered.Alermak, if not i will get a scolding from my mother.At 8pm,Ate dinner.Okies the dinner was okies not bad.Hahahas.Then chat with Irah and my bestiest, Sufian.Okies got to go.Broom broom.Want to chat with my adorable people.toodles~aliens.
Dear diary,

Dear hunney,
I didn't sleep well yesterday as i think of something.
I'm scared of losing you.
Because your the air for me to breath.
Your my guardian angel.
Your the love of my life.
Your the light that shine through my darkness world.
And if your not with me,
i won't be able to see the world with the darkness inside me.
Everyday i pray to god,
that you will always be by my side.
I love you more than anything that money could buy.
And if someone was to seperate us,
i try to hold on to this relationship as hard as i could.
Try to solve every problems eventhought
its hard.
I won't let our relationship break just because of lies and jealousy.
Everytime when i saw you,
my heart keep beating fast as a train could go.
Even faster as a racing car.
When your beside me,
my heart says it love you more and more.
When i hold your hand,
i felt something.
The feeling was scared to let it go.
Because i want to hold you everyday and don't want to let you go.
If my heart could speak,
it will always say your name.
Your the only one in my heart who i love the most.
More than i love my ownself.
I miss you eventhough we just met.
Every seconds,
i miss you.
As the world spin,
i cried.
I hope that you won't leave me.
I need you to guide me through this world.
I need your love.
Your care.
If everything was to vanish into thin air.
I do search for you.
Until the day i die.
I just can't bare of losing you.
Because i really love you alot.
Only god knows how much i love you.
On the 02/11/2007.
I gave you a kiss and i say i love you,
that is the truth.
I can't hide my feelings anymore.
You stood there like a little boy,
with a red face.
And that's really brighten up my day.
I really love you Mr Fadli.
If only time could stop,
i would be by your side every single day.
Your smile makes me happy everyday.
Even when i try to be angry.
You never make me feel left out when you are with your
Thanks Dear,
for the love you give me.
I will cherish it well.
I promise to be the good girlfriend ever.
To be your superwoman till the day ends.
And promise me dear,
that you won't leave me.
I know forever is hard.
But let's try.
Try to hold on to each other.
I will catch you if your gonna fall.
And i will always hear what you have to say.
If your voice tone is different,
i know there's something not right.
And i will try to comfort you in many ways.
So Dear,
don't you leave me.
Promise to be together.
To love each other.
"I love you Fadli".
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Dear diary,
Today was totally outrageous.Woohuu.Not that fun but GREAT.
This is Irah my Bestiest and my Girlfriend.Huhu ofcourse today i when out with her.We went to century square to look for something.And i brought this for a special someone.Ofcourse my Boiifriend, Fadli.
Hahahas nice?Hmm i hope he likes it.It does not cost much.Only a few bucks.After buying that ring for my beloved 'Bucuk'.I strike a ridiculous pose in the toilet.This is the pose.
Hahahahs.But please ignore the kid behind me.She was like singing and turning her self.Ofcourse Irah was seriously bored with my behaviour.Try to be funny eventhough people was looking.Huhuhu.After that, we went to tampines mall to play arcade.Guess waht?It was totally pack.I mean 'REAL PACK'.No choice we have to wait for our turn.Hahahahahas.Having the arcade coins was like, Fuck.Holding to it like an hour.Imagine an hour without playing any arcade game.Totally pissed off.((:.But still smiling to the small kid.After the arcade, we went to fetch my beloved boiifriend.Hahahahaas.It was totally funny.Searching for his block is like searching a water in the desert.I did strike another two ridiculous pose below my boiifriend block.Firstly was this pose.
Lastly was this.Don't laugh.
Like i say, i'm small.Huhu.Irah was totally laughing all the way.I could not resist as i join her laughing section.Hahahahaas.After my boiifriend arrived we walk all the way to his work place.'KFC'.Heheehee.DingDong!It was like around 4+PM.He says,"Alar why that manager i hate him. Later larrs haven't 5PM."Ofcourse i didn't nag.I say okies larrs.Hahahahas.We went to sit on the near by block.Hahahahas.Guess what many matreps.Ouhs i totally hate them.Suddenly, Fadli telephone rang.It was his alarm.Hahahahahas.Kinda cute, because his using an old phone.All because of me, his k750i was spoilt.What?!It wasn't my fault.Ouh God.I didn't know that this would happen.But he did not scold me.Hahahahas.See his kind-hearted.We went to his work place.Matrep was spotted.Again and again.Hahahahas.What a world.Irah ate a zinger meal and an additional of cheese fries.As for me, i ate a shroom burger.Hahahahas.I was force by Irah to finish up her cheese fries.Hahahahas.I know you can't believe it.I finish it all up.I know i'm skinny but a big bin in the stomach(:.After that eating meal.We went home.As per normal i sent Irah home.How lucky my friends can be, heehee(:.I walk home ofcourse.It's only a miles away.No need to waste money on bus fairs.Hahahahas.Want to know what?I reach home within 10 minits.All thanks to the MATREPS!.Damn i had to walk as fast as a robot.Could you imagine?.How tired i could be.Hmmmmp!.Hahahahaas.Reach home around 6.25PM.Hahahahs.Do the thing i usually do.(:.And that's the end.That's the story for today.Hahahahas.toodles~ earthlings and aliens(:.
Dear diary,
This is Fadli.My beloved and loveble boiifriend.His the sun that shine on the dark road for me.He thought me many things.Eventhough his not much of a nagger, he always say the truth.He came to my heart when we are friends.After being friends, i loses contact with him just because of a broken heart.Ever since that, i still remember the memories when we hang out together.Kinda FUN!Not just 'FUN' but SUPER fun.(:About 3 months i haven't spoken or chat with him.Until that day, i online he was the first person to say 'HI'.That time a was sick.Having a high fever and a really bad cough.He told me to keep in touch with him.Hahahahas this is the real best part of my life.He told me,"Later do msg aites.".Then i say,"Ya sure why not but my ppaid is low can't reply your messages"."Ermm its okies. You should take care", he told me.That take care sentence was like 3 times he told me.Hahahahas.Kinda bugging me out, but it's okies.Atleast someone cares.I was shocked when the day after that.He transfer his $5 to my ppaid account i was like damn shocked.You know 'SHOCKED'.I ask him that why he did this and he says with a very sweet voice, "im worried about you."I did burst in tears.But i was scared to love him first because when we're friends, i have this strange feelings towards him.The feeling was not like just a odinary friend but more of that.Its totally 'Love'.As day by day passes, we keep in touch.Everyday i call him and message him.By that incidence, we became Lovers.All of it thanks to his little sweet heart.(:.And hell yeah i really love him like hell.That's the end of this wonderful story of me and him.toodles~(: